Friday, March 1, 2013

BI: Bisnis Online Akan Tumbuh Besar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank Indonesia (BI) memproyeksikan pertumbuhan bisnis jual beli online atau yang lebih dikenal dengan namae-commerce akan menjadi signifikan dalam lima hingga 10 tahun mendatang. E-commerce menjadi salah satu bagian solusi peningkatan akses keuangan atau financial inclusion di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia.

"BI berkepentingan mengatur sistem pembayaran e-commerce ini dan saat ini aturannya masih dibahas pemerintah," kata Direktur Eksekutif Departemen Akunting dan Sistem Pembayaran BI, Boedi Armanto, dijumpai ROL di Jakarta, Kamis (28/2).

Transaksi bisnis berbasis online ini harus menghormati dan memenuhi hak-hak konsumen. Saat ini, payung hukum yang melindunginya hanya Undang Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE).

Akan tetapi, kata Boedi, aturan yang ada saat ini masih terlalu luas dan kurang spesifik. Ia menyarankan aturan yang lebih tepat mungkin berbentuk Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP). RPP ini menurutnya bisa membahas poin bisnis online yang lebih spesifik. Aturan ini juga membutuhkan fleksibilitas sehingga membutuhkan aturan yang lebih rendah di bawah UU.

Bisnis online yang paling aman saat ini, kata Boedi, adalah pembayaran (payment) lewat ATM. Bentuk pembayaran lainnya masih dimungkinkan selama mendukung perekonomian, misalnya internet banking yang harus dijamin keamanannya.

"BI akan mengatur bentuk transaksinya nanti seperti apa? tunai atau non tunai? Transaksi non tunai, khususnya internet akan lebih baik karena semuanya tercatat," ujar Boedi.

Transaksi internet akan meminimalkan ongkos (cost), termasuk mengurangi peredaran uang tunai di masyarakat. Biaya untuk pencetakan uang, seperti kertas, tinta, dan keamanannya bisa lebih efisien.
Reporter : Mutia Ramadhani
Redaktur : Nidia Zuraya

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Make Your First Year In Network Marketing A Successful One

You might have made the decision to start you own business and you have signed up with your chosen network marketing company. Now what? When you are about to enter your first year in network marketing - what should you expect?

Let's take a closer look at your strategy because in the event you begin correctly and you remain consistent, then you'll be able to count on producing a good profit in your first year. If you have some degree of success in your first year then you are more likely to stay around for another year and build on your initial success. You've got to make a plan and put that plan into operation on a regular basis.
Let's suppose you've been active in your network marketing business for a while and making some income, or possibly your not making any or very little. Either way, it really is by no means too late to start getting reorganized or to refresh your memory as to what you should have done in your first year in network marketing and make certain you start performing in a correct manner right now.

What were Your Weaknesses?

Starting out in network marketing is different for everybody but most people have difficulty with at least one aspect of the business. Are you just stumbling along and have you accomplished anything to resolve your difficulties?

The first factor you need to do is map out a marketing plan for the next year, next quarter, next month, next week and what you intend to complete tomorrow. Bottom line? You will need an everyday plan of action to expose your products, services and business opportunity to new people on a daily basis.

Making the Necessary Sacrifice

As you work through this "action plan" do you notice any glaring challenges? Perhaps the need for a far better time management system has become apparent. Perhaps it really is time to truly schedule time to develop your business and "make time" to produce the important activities necessary for success.

Are you willing to miss a favorite TV show 3 times per week to secure time and financial freedom for your self? How about giving up 4 hours of golf every single Saturday?

Maybe one of the most glaring difficulties you've discovered is that you do not have any type of lead generation strategies to sponsor and recruit new people. How do you intend to market and promote your new business.

Will you run ads, hold typical prospecting meetings or set up and on-line lead generation system? Possibly you will need far more training in this area and to invest in the necessary tools to generate a positive outcome.

Have you scheduled in non-productive time to study and understand a lot more regarding the art and science of lead generation, sponsoring, duplication and marketing? How about team building, motivation and leadership skills?

Leaders are created, not born and it's simply not just stepping into a leadership role for the team... you will need to focus on creating leadership within your team at the same time. There are many sources of free training on the web.

Among the list of fastest techniques to generate the result you will be hunting for in your first year in network marketing will be to align yourself with a top producer who is already enjoying the outcomes and lifestyle you want. Study and model their each and every move and quit paying any attention to those people supplying "advice" who have not created the success to back it up.

However, there are many successful leaders out there in this area of marketing. You have to do your research and discover who the bona fide network marketing experts are. The good ones make six and seven-figure incomes using effective and duplicable strategies. Some are even willing to help those new to the niche with several aspects of network marketing for free.

Will You Be Here Next Year?

Treat your business like a real business and it generate profit for you like a real business. Keep very good records in the time spent in your business as well as an income and expenses report. Bear in mind you are in business to make a profit. Know where your finances are at any point in time.

Are you making progress or not? And are you giving your business your greatest effort? Would you hire yourself to work inside your business?

If you have made it through your first year in network marketing - then congratulations. You are probably now looking forward to your second year and constructing the profitable and successful business you always wanted.

Article Directory:
Merv Stevens works in Internet and Network Marketing. For tips and advice and to learn more about how to succeed in your first year in network marketing go to his website: Wealth Success Ventures. Act now and discover how to earn 100% commissions online by using a simple 3-step process that anyone can do.